Professional Diploma in

PDipAT features an integrated curriculum with a comprehensive healthcare focus that prepares students to successfully sit for the Board of Certification (BOC) exam.

Clinical Success
Students will be prepared in a variety of clinical settings, including traditional and emerging areas of practice, that allow them to function as quality athletic trainer upon graduation.

Hands-on Training & Practical Skill
Students will receive trainings through practical workshops/ laboratories, field trainings, demonstrations, clinical attachments.

International Exposure
Students have the opportunities to learn the latest development of athletic training industry through overseas attachment programmes.
1-year Study Plan
The programme consists of 9 modules and 3 clinical experience learning modules. Classes will be held in weekday evenings or over the weekends.
AT01 Basic Physiology in Sports
This course aims to demonstrate fundamental knowledge of epidemiology, pathophysiology, pathomechanics and exercise physiology. It focuses on the human physiological healing process and tissue repose in musculoskeletal injuries. The course will expand upon the important topics/ principles of sports medicine covered in this course. Thorough understanding and application of athletic training skills are essential in order to deliver treatment and rehabilitate patients in a safe, effective, and logical way.
AT02 Professional Development and Responsibility in Athletic Training
This course introduces the roles and scope of practices of athletic training as healthcare professionals. It also provides the historical foundations of the profession and the development of its corresponding institutional structure, including core institutions and regulatory organisations. It aims to raise students’ awareness on ethical issues, clinical implementation strategies in evidence-based practice. Hence, points out the service gap filled by athletic trainers within the healthcare profession and populations.
AT12 Emergency Management Strategies in Athletic Training
​This course aims to demonstrate significant depth of knowledge and on-field practical skills of the medical aspects of sports medicine. It focuses on the recognition and monitoring of medical conditions, hence provision of emergent sports medicine management, emergency procedures, and management of the specific injuries including head, spine, thoracic, and musculo-skeletal injuries. Furthermore, the course also introduces the basic principles associated with the design, usage, maintenance of protective equipment, including rules and regulations that govern its use.
AT13 Therapeutic Exercise and Strength and Conditioning in Athletic Training
This course introduces the theories and concepts of a comprehensive rehabilitation programme, including establishment of therapeutic goals and objectives, selection of different intensities of therapeutic exercises at different rehabilitation stages, method of recording and evaluating progress, providing clearance criteria for return to play. Students will design and implement exercise programmes for the rehabilitation and reconditioning of athletic injuries. Techniques in exercises are applied in the athletic training and personal training profession.
AT14 Evidence-based Practice and Research
This course explains the importance of evidence-based medicine and research on clinical practice. It introduces the techniques and tools required to construct, perform, and assess clinical research. Furthermore, it emphasises students’ ability in research design and review on relevant research in sports medicine systematically and critically.
Semester 1 (Sep to Dec)